Month note

Another month has zoomed by and I want to capture a few of the highlights for posterity.

More service assessment

I get the feeling I will be living and breathing the service assessment for the next few months!

I’ve been collaborating across pillars/specialisms in our team, working closely with our technical architect but also our UCD team (UX and content).

The whole process has meant some deep dives into our tech stack and learning about our technology.

It’s also been a journey into the nitty-gritty of service assessments, how do we get from point A (where our product is) to point B (what’s required from the service assessment criteria).


Our new joiners are pretty much up to speed (thank you pair programming and intro sessions!). The next step is prioritising the infra work based on the service assessment requirements and the needs of the team.

I love prioritising, developing a delivery plan, and hashing out ideas with my teammates. We’ve had to take a more proactive approach to planning because of the service assessment.

This means we’re doing less “reactive” work, we’re not planning just for the next sprint but for the next few months.

I feel a bit mixed about this.

As a person, I love longer term planning but I know it can be restrictive and can make it harder to pivot if you’re not careful. I miss the spontaneity of reactive work, responding to immediate needs and being guided more organically.

However I believe given the external requirements I think it’s the right call to plan ahead in the way we are.

Currently reading

I’m working my way through Race After Technology, a must-read for anyone working tech in my opinion.

On the recommendation of a friend I’ve also picked up Hood Feminism, another book I’d recommend especially if you’re interested in intersectional feminist studies.