Month note

A quick update on the last month. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind of meetings and planning sessions.

Service assessment

We have a service assessment on the horizon (later in the year) and the team is beginning to plan for what we need to do.

Products in government go through a service assessment process to help improve the product and the services we deliver to the public. We always want to ensure the products we develop are useful to the public and achieve an agreed government and technical standard.

The three stages of development are Alpha, Beta, and Live. The product I work on is in Beta: we know we’re delivering value to the public and government and we’ve learned a lot in the last few years of Beta.

However, we think we’re ready to be a Live service and we need to complete the recommendations from our Beta assessment and the requirements for a Live service.


We recently onboarded two new team members – exciting! They’ll both be working in the infrastructure space which is great for the improvements we want to achieve.

It’s also meant I’ve dedicated time to create on-boarding material and expand our documentation –– something I’ve wanted to do since I joined the team.

We now have dedicated material and wiki pages for new joiners. I know the investment of time will pay off both now and in the future.

Currently reading

This is a bit niche but I’ve been reading FreeRADIUS documentation.

It’s one of the core open source libraries we use and I’d like to get a better understanding of how it works and the way we’ve implemented the solution on our product.