Quick update

Time is moving too quickly, I can’t believe how March as flown by.

Taking time to pause was the right choice. It’s refreshing to delve into activities other than writing.


I’ve been revisiting code katas, first dabbling in Python and then delving into Java. It was time to get back to my OO programming roots.

I’d forgotten how much fun Java can be and how katas are sneakily enthralling. I went to sleep thinking about a problem and woke up with the solution – love it when that happens.

I’ve been especially inspired by this OO Calisthenics video. It would be interesting to apply the calisthenics rules to other katas I’m trying.

Up next: katas in Python.


I recently finished Thanks for the Feedback and it’s been invaluable.

The way I approach feedback (as a process/type of communication) has improved as well as my understanding of how to give and receive feedback.

The book has also inspired me to try one to one feedback sessions with my teammates and it’s already produced some useful and insightful results. I work with some incredible people and every day I come to work I’m grateful for the joy they bring me and what they’ve taught me.

I’m really excited to share the knowledge in some format!

Ok, maybe a little writing

The first ‘long-form’ conflict resolution piece is nearly complete. I have the creeping sense I’m letting ‘perfect’ get in the way of ‘good enough’.

I’m also thinking about writing a “This is how I work … give or take” post (a la my Team Lead’s post). Perhaps expand the about section?

We’ll see.